Scoopy Deux

Scoopy Deux is NWLA premier pet waste removal pooper scooper service provider. Serving the Shreveport/Bossier regions, our team of scoopers is ready and eager to make your yard a fun, clean, safe, and doggy Deux-free place to be for your family and pets to enjoy all year round.

Get your free pet waste removal service quote today to get started!

Residential & Commercial Pet Waste Removal Services Available.

From Residential Houses, HOAs, Apartment Buildings, and Community Parks, Scoopy Deux is here to provide quality pooper scooper service to dog owners throughout NWLA.

Face it…

Nobody Likes Cleaning up Dog Deux!

You love your dog, but you sure don’t love having to clean up the dog Deux in your yard.

Somebody has to do it, but it doesn’t have to be you!

Scoopy Deux makes life easier for pet owners by cleaning up all pet waste from your yard, dog run, and other outside areas.

We take care of the dirty work so you can focus on what’s truly important; loving and spending more time with your pets and family!

Scoopy Deux offers pooper scooper pickup services all year round… rain, shine, or snow. You can count on our team to be there for you week after week. 

Our pooper scooper service comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not happy with our service for any reason we will do whatever it takes to make it right.